This is probably the worst name for a programming language after Javascript… but it’s a really fun little language! The task is to write an interpreter for it.
Usually I’d resort back to the trusty parsec library but it seems that this language is simple enough to do without. This is the specification taken from the wikipedia page:
Character Meaning
increment the data pointer (to point to the next cell to the right).
decrement the data pointer (to point to the next cell to the left).
increment (increase by one) the byte at the data pointer.
decrement (decrease by one) the byte at the data pointer.
output a character, the ASCII value of which being the byte at the data pointer.
accept one byte of input, storing its value in the byte at the data pointer.
if the byte at the data pointer is zero, then instead of moving the instruction pointer forward to the next command, jump it forward to the command after the matching ] command*
if the byte at the data pointer is nonzero, then instead of moving the instruction pointer forward to the next command, jump it back to the command after the matching [ command*
So let’s add a few module imports and data types that we will need:
import qualified Data.IntMap as M
import Data.Char(chr,ord)
import Data.Array
type State = (Int,M.IntMap Int)
maxsize = 30000
data Dir = Up | Down
The main algorithm is just a loop that consumes the instruction input string one character at a time and acts upon the data area. Thus we need to keep track of both the current instruction (instructions!pI
) and the state of the data area (the content dat
and our position pD
We keep the instructions in an array and use an IntMap
to represent the data-area in a way so we can easily update and traverse it. The State
that we keep for the recursive invocations always tells us the current data-cell and date-area.
interprete :: String -> IO ()
interprete input = f 0 (0,M.fromList $ zip [0..] (replicate maxsize 0)) where
f :: Int -> State -> IO ()
f pI (pD,dat)
| pI == length input = print "done!" >> return ()
| x == '>' = f (succ pI) (succ pD,dat)
| x == '<' = f (succ pI) (pred pD,dat)
| x == '+' = f (succ pI) (pD,update succ)
| x == '-' = f (succ pI) (pD,update pred)
| x == '.' = putChar (chr $ dat M.! pD) >> f (succ pI) (pD,dat)
| x == ',' = getChar >>= \c -> f (succ pI) (pD,update (const (ord c)))
| x == '[' && dat M.! pD == 0 = f (succ (matchUpTable M.! pI)) (pD,dat)
| x == '[' = f (succ pI) (pD,dat)
| x == ']' = f (matchDownTable M.! pI) (pD,dat)
| otherwise = f (succ pI) (pD,dat)
where instructions = listArray (0,length input-1) input
x = instructions!pI
update f = M.update (Just . f) pD dat
matchUpTable = buildTable Up '[' instructions
matchDownTable = buildTable Down ']' instructions
The only tricky part here is to find out where to jump to in case we need to execute a code jump to a matching bracket. Since those jumps will potentially over and over again we lazily build up a table that keeps track of matching brackets.
The matching
function calculates the position of an opening or closing bracket.
buildTable dir start instructions = M.fromList
[(p,matching dir instructions p) | p <- [0..snd $ bounds instructions],
instructions!p == start]
matching :: Dir -> Array Int Char -> Int -> Int
matching Up instructions p = m (succ p) 0
where m p depth
| instructions!p == '[' = m (succ p) (depth+1)
| instructions!p == ']' = if depth == 0 then p else m (succ p) (depth-1)
| otherwise = m (succ p) depth
matching Down instructions p = m (pred p) 0
where m p depth
| instructions!p == ']' = m (pred p) (depth+1)
| instructions!p == '[' = if depth == 0 then p else m (pred p) (depth-1)
| otherwise = m (pred p) depth
The last bit is to provide a main function so we can easily test the implementation:
main = getContents >>= interprete
So let’s do some tests. First an easy one,
Running this will give us:
$ ./interpreter < Hello World! "done!"
And one more, a little less trivial,
will result in:
$ time ./interpreter < 0! = 1 1! = 1 2! = 2 3! = 6 4! = 24 5! = 120 6! = 720 7! = b40 8! = ǃ20 "done!" 0.96user 0.01system 0:00.97elapsed 99%CPU
If anybody is interested in how these examples work I can recommend the javascript powered brainfuck interpreter & debugger.
Good for today…
Full source-code is available here.
title-image by Zsolt Fila (license)